
Posts Tagged ‘essential’

Blog 4: Public Media in Communities

November 7, 2011 1 comment

I believe that the availability of public media is essential to a successful and thriving community. Public media distributes important information about culture, crisis communication, city services, and community resources. All of this information is distributed through TV, radio, print media, and the internet, and plays a major part in bringing communities closer together. Without public media, communities would not be as well connected and would not work as a unified system. People would not be warned in time if there was inclement weather or a natural disaster. They would not know where to find information about their communities public leaders or new laws. People would also have a much more difficult time learning about local cultural events and entertainment which can play a large part in shaping a community and its citizens. Without public media, our world would be stuck in the dark age. Therefore, public media is one of the most important aspects of a community and a vital part of its future and growth.