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Blog 7: Social media and its effects on our mental health

November 9, 2015 Leave a comment

  • This article highlights the correlation between the amount of time teens spend on social networking sites and their overall mental health. This is alarming due to the steady rise in social media in our daily lives. As the younger generations start using these sites at an earlier age we may begin to see more individuals with mental health issues.
  • The data was collected by the Ontario Student Drug Use health survey in 2013. They ask 753 students with a mean average of 14.3 years old.
  • I am very curious the questions the participants were asked. How, just by survey, does one diagnose a teen with mental health? Would the person evaluating like to actually interview these subjects?
Categories: BLOG 7

Blog 6: Missouri Businesses

October 26, 2015 Leave a comment

  1. This article highlights how the state of Missouri is a good state to start a new business. It is ranked number one in the country according to the U.S. Census Bureau and analyzed by the Kaufman foundation. With our economy being very poor nationally this article is very important and shows hope for the state of Missouri.
  2. This data was collected by the U.S. Census Bureau and analyzed by the Kaufman foundation. The data was collected form the year 2013, because this was the last time data was collected. With results coming from individual businesses.
  3. This article shows a lot of promising data. However, it does not specify on how is received the data. Did they get the numbers from tax returns? profits? It seems simple on how one can see if a business is doing well or not but I would like more concrete evidence of this data.
Categories: BLOG 6, Research

Blog:5 Pell Grants and Low income students

October 19, 2015 Leave a comment
  1. This article is about the insufficient data collected by the Department of Education about low income college students who receive Pell grants, typically $5,775 in aid. This article was chosen because it is very surprising how inaccurate the date collected was. It is stated in the article that the data is anywhere from 10%-50% inaccurate.
  2. The article came from the Hechinger Report. Data was collected from public records of the Department of Education. the National Student Loan Database (NSLD). As well as data collected from over 1,000 universities. This data is fairly new, published on October 9 of 2015.
  3. My questions go hand in hand with this article. Why has data not been collected for such before? How can there be such error for this data? Universities have access to all of their students information, scholarships, grants, loans, and are able to see when or if they graduate. I am just shocked that the government could have such incorrect data for such a huge
Categories: BLOG 5

Blog Post 4: Usage of social media during the Pope’s visit

October 7, 2015 1 comment

  1. This tweet was chosen due to how recent the Pope visited the United States and the significance it had as well as the media coverage that was placed on the event. The article is about how surprisingly most media outlets did not use social media and instead focused on personal interviews and encounters with the public to shape the coverage. With the large amount of phones and other tablets out during the events little social media was used by journalists.
  2. The data was collected by PEW research analytics which looked at 12 different news sources. as well as across 12 websites, pulled from the top 25 sites listed in comScore’s news and information category. In each story, researchers coded the presence of 17 different source types and whether for each social media was referenced.
  3. This is very interesting due to the rise of social media use in news outlets. But why are we so concerned about social media when getting news coverage of the Pope? It is the Pope for crying out loud. Secondly, I am not surprised news outlets did not cite a social networking cite, with the importance of the Pope’s visit, wouldn’t one try and get the most credible source for an article? like a direct quote or video footage.
Categories: BLOG 4, Research Tags:

Blog 3

September 28, 2015 2 comments

  1. This article focuses on the relationship between high blood pressure and diabetes. The study done by Oxford University found that you are 60% more likely to develop diabetes according to a research done on 4.1 million people.
  2. Prof Kazem Rahimi, deputy director of the George Institute for Global health UK at Oxford lead the study. The research was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Participants were adult UK patients who previously were free of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
  3. I would like to know how exactly do you collet data on 4.1 million people? via electronic records, how do patients consent. This is a lot of people. How does any study for that matter have so many subjects?
Categories: Uncategorized

Blog 2: How Millionaires View Money

September 14, 2015 1 comment

  1. article is about how millionaires view money and why it is a successful view point. They understand that everyone is given the same opportunities in life and have the same opportunities to acquire wealth. The article explains that the wealthy are more concerned with earnings and less with savings. They focus on what they can do best and use contacts and connections to maximize. They know that working smarter not harder is a better strategy to obtain wealth. Lastly, The wealthy see that wealth is a right and you must take that right by not looking at it emotionally but to look at it logically to maximize profits. The wealthy know that everyone has the ability to become wealthy, they just view it without fear and scarcity and more with possibility, abundance.
  2. This articles author interview hundreds of middle class citizens and over 1,200 or the worlds wealthiest people. The author wrote a book about how rich people think and why they think is such a way. In this way, He was able to collect and analyze data for an extended period of time.
  3. I would like to know the occupations of the people who were interviewed both rich and middle class? Also, How happy each individual is, work can be consuming, too consuming for some people? we are told that he considered rich a millionaire, however, what if someone considers rich to be over $300,000?
Categories: BLOG 2

Blog 1: Welcome emails

August 31, 2015 1 comment

1)With technology being the forefront for almost everything, businesses are trying new and more effective ways to reach out to current clients, future clients, current employees and future employees. This article was selected because it shows a unique aspect in what they call as the welcome email. From my own experience emails are not fun at all, however, if the company sends a welcome email that attracts the reader in it has done its job.

2) The research was conducted by the Hubspot marketing team.

3) How was the data collected exactly? Specifically, from how many companies and how many subscribers and clients does each company have?

Categories: Uncategorized